
Shipping and Returns



What do I do in case I receive a defective / damaged item from Picture Pretty Kites?

We will not send any defective material to our prestigious customers.  If for any reason any of the items is found to be damaged or in defective condition, please email us at for a replacement.

We will pick up the damaged item at our cost, while we deliver the replacement item to you.

How can I return a product ordered from Picture Pretty Kites?
To provide you a trouble free shopping experience, we offer you a No Questions Asked Return Policy. Within 7 days of receiving your shipment, you may return any unopened item in its original packaging, for a full refund excluding shipping costs.

When you return your product with the package opened, it is advisable to enclose a written note explaining the reason for your return. Then Pack the item with the note along with the order number into a secure package. Print or affix our address given below and send it through a reliable courier service or mail to us. Our address for returns is as follows:

Picture Pretty Kites
6512 N. 44th
Omaha NE 68112 USA
(402) 333-0322  

If you have any questions, please E mail us at:

We will give you a full refund excluding shipping costs. Refunds are only made for the products purchased from Picture Pretty Kites.

Within what time period do I have to return the product?
You need to return any product bought from our store within a period of seven days after the receipt of the shipment.

How and when will I get my refund?
Upon receipt of your package with the item in it, we will initiate the refund process. The refund will be made to the same payment option(s) originally used to pay for the order.


For Express Delivery or International Shipping call or email us for a price (

If you wish to know what needs to be done in case you receive a defective item or wish to exchange an item, please read our Refunds Policy page.